Monthly Archives: June 2015

Soap & Glory Shampoo & Conditioner Review


Back in October I made the switch to sulphate free shampoo and have found that it really agrees with my hair – it helps my colour last longer, allows me to go an extra day between washes and is overall shinier and healthier. I scoured the shelves of Boots and The Body Shop (among others) and have tried out several different ones since then, but nothing was as good as the beloved Liz Earle offering. Until now.
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Weekly Weigh-In 11

Weekly Weigh In 11

Hello again! As previously mentioned, I missed last week’s weigh-in due to being in Brittany/Portsmouth with my family.
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Life Update

Life Update

As many of you are aware, I moved to Reading at the beginning of March to start my first full time job in my degree field. I had my first review this week and am so pleased with how well I am doing there! However, things aren’t going quite so well in my personal life.
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The Love/Hate Tag


A few weeks back, I was nominated by Ryane from Ryane Zamora Beauty to do the Love/Hate Tag. I think this is a pretty fun one and really loved her answers! Another great post on this is by Jen from Dorkchops!
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Another Little Lush Haul


I’m not sure if you’ve heard or not, but Lush have announced that they are discounting over 20 products this month to make room for some of the Oxford Street Exclusive products. The staff at my local store seemed pretty excited about the new products they would now be getting, but are currently unable to say what they are! Lush are also updating their carrier bags soon and I think the new design is much cleaner and nicer!
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Weekly Weigh-In 9

Weekly Weigh In 9

I’ve been doing pretty well with what I’ve been eating for the most part this week. I can’t deny I had a bit of a chocolate binge though, but I’m blaming that on shark week and also justifying it because I needed to make sure my iron levels were good to donate blood yesterday.
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Freedom Makeup Haul & First Impressions


There’s a brand spanking new makeup company on the block – Freedom Makeup. Owned by the much loved and highly affordable Makeup Revolution, Freedom Makeup are the professional sister company. When they launch last week they had not one, but two promotions running and I thought it would be rude not to take a look at the site at least. Upon seeing that the prices were equally as good as Revolution, I couldn’t resist a little haul!
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Blogiversary GIveaway Winner!

Giveaway Winner

It’s Friday, so as promised time to announce the winner of my giveaway!
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The Beautiful Blogger Award


The other day a lovely blogger tagged me for a post and I suddenly realised I had two awards posts I’d completely forgotten to do! The first of which is the Beautiful Blogger Award, which I was nominated for back in March! Sorry to the absolutely lovely Hayley who nominated me, I really appreciate the love, it just slipped my mind as I was settling into my new job then!
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Blogiversary Giveaway – Last Day To Enter!

Blog Giveaway

Just a gentle reminder that my giveaway ends tonight at midnight! Continue reading

Makeup Revolution Brand First Impressions & FOTD

MUR 1st Impressions

I’ve been wanting to write this post for a few days now, but I wanted to make sure I had time to sit and write it out properly. I’ve always known it was going to be a fairly hefty one considering the amount of Makeup Revolution products I have. I hadn’t tried anything from them until a month ago, when I won a giveaway hosted by Rachael from Helpless Whilst Drying and I also purchased two individual eyeshadows in the huge 3 for 2 on all make up offer at Superdrug.
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Blood – Do You Donate?


So this week is National Blood Week here in the UK, which aims to increase awareness about blood donation and encourage new sign-ups and people who haven’t donated in a while to do so again. I have donated in both England and Wales, although haven’t donated for over a year. It’s something I kept meaning to do, but sometimes it can be difficult to find an appointment that I can get to.
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Weekly Weigh-In 8

Weekly Weigh In 8

I have been completely obsessed with the scales this week, I’m talking weighing myself at least once a day. Not really sure what I excepted to change weighing myself the second time but there you go!
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A Little Me Time

Me Time

This week has been really busy at work and by far the most hectic since I started my job three months ago. By Thursday, I was feeling like I looked a complete mess so I took some time out that evening to have a little pamper session.
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Blogiversary & Giveaway

Don’t forget – you can still enter my giveaway! Ends Wednesday!


Blog Giveaway

Yesterday marked 1 year since the first post on my blog! I was hoping to get this up then, but I’ve been ill and spent the day in bed boxsetting Harry Potter. Anyway, better late than never!

All in all, it’s been a strange year for me personally – finishing uni, moving back to my parents, getting my first graduate job – but a really great one in many ways. I started my blog as something to do and a way to keep writing once I finished my degree. I work in a creative area, so don’t really write anything except emails, so its really nice to sit down and write some blog posts.

I am pleased with how my blog and instagram are doing, but its not about the numbers. I mean, sure, its nice to see those numbers go up, but what I love more is the comments…

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