Category Archives: Personal

It’s moving day!

uphouseI promised I would update you guys about my living situation, after announcing last month about my landlord’s surprised decision to hand me my notice. Well the good news is I found a place!
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Life Update

Life Update

As many of you are aware, I moved to Reading at the beginning of March to start my first full time job in my degree field. I had my first review this week and am so pleased with how well I am doing there! However, things aren’t going quite so well in my personal life.
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Blogiversary GIveaway Winner!

Giveaway Winner

It’s Friday, so as promised time to announce the winner of my giveaway!
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Blood – Do You Donate?


So this week is National Blood Week here in the UK, which aims to increase awareness about blood donation and encourage new sign-ups and people who haven’t donated in a while to do so again. I have donated in both England and Wales, although haven’t donated for over a year. It’s something I kept meaning to do, but sometimes it can be difficult to find an appointment that I can get to.
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Travel Bucket List

travel bucket list

I saw recently that Transun are doing a really cool competition to win a trip to see the Northern Lights and all you gotta do is write about your top three bucket list destinations to enter! I love going abroad (who doesn’t) and visiting new places. I am currently suffering from wanderlust and immediately thought of my top three places I want to go. There are of course many, many more, but these are the places I am most desperate to go.
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It’s funny how everything happens at once! After months and months of feeling like I wasn’t getting anywhere, I have been offered not one, but TWO graduate jobs in graphic design! The second, which I was offered yesterday, is a permanent position and is doing the kind of design work I enjoy most, so I have happily accepted the job.
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My 2015 Life Goals


For some reason, I really don’t like the idea of New Years Resolutions, but will happily think of some goals for the upcoming year. I think the difference is that a resolution is an idea people have that they then don’t stick to (e.g. stop swearing) whereas a goal is an achievable target. Am I the only one who thinks this?
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Is My Degree Worthless?


So this is an unscheduled post (read: rant…) that I have been debating writing for some time now, but today I have decided it’s time to get this off my chest because I am deeply unhappy.

As you may be aware, I graduated this summer with a 2:1 in BA (Hons) Graphic Communications from a good university with good employment ratings in a field where there are still a fair amount of jobs going despite the recession. And yet, here I am, almost five months later, having just been rejected for yet another design job and feeling incredibly frustrated, stressed and plain old fed up. Keep reading

Now on Bloglovin’!


Hey guys!

Just a quick one to let you know I’ve linked my blog over on Bloglovin’, so if you wanted you can follow RachWat here.

If you didn’t know, on Bloglovin’ you can follow both my blog and my personal profile. These aren’t linked so if you wanted to see both you’d need to follow both. What’s the difference? Following the blog brings my new posts up on your homepage in your feed, but if you follow my profile then you can click ‘Friend Activity’ to see what posts I’ve been liking. Find my personal profile here.

New blogs to follow?

Hey guys, this is just a short post cause Ive been looking for some new people to follow. (I think it can be a bit tricky to find what you’re looking for on WordPress as it doesn’t have a search option other than the hashtags.)

Please comment with any blogs you think I’d be interested in – whether it’s your blog, your favourite blog, I don’t mind. Share the love :)

My First Blogging Milestone!

Hey! So I know I’ve been a bit quiet on here lately, but things have been pretty hectic in my life recently! Having completely finished university, I had to pack up my things, say goodbye to my friends, a city I fell in love with and move back to my parents’ house. Sorting out my stuff once back ‘home home’ (as my uni friends & I call it!) took much longer than expected. In fact, I’m still not completely done :( AND I’m trying to get myself a job!

So with all this going on, I took some chill time yesterday by going for a 10 mile walk, stopping to enjoy a pint and the country side along the way. Bliss.

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About Me



Hey, I’m Rachael and welcome to my blog!

So this is just a ‘get to know me’ post as a basic intro to me and my blog.

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