About Me



Hey, I’m Rachael and welcome to my blog!

So this is just a ‘get to know me’ post as a basic intro to me and my blog.

Why did you start a blog?

To be honest, I’m not entirely sure! I’ve been wanting to start one for a while now and having been following some cool bloggers and seeing what they get up to and I thought I’d give it a go! Plus I’m about to finish university, so I need something to focus on (other than job hunting).

What’s your blog about?

Beauty, fashion – namely alternative fashion and anything else I feel like writing about.

What did you do at university?

I’m doing a BA (Hons) Graphic Communications degree. I finish in a week! The course title normally confuses people, so in case you’re wondering, it’s graphic design.


Okay now for some more interesting stuff!


What’s your most played song on iTunes?

Cute Without The “E” (Cut From The Team) – Taking Back Sunday
(I’m yet to grow out of my emo phase. Not ashamed.)

Favourite movie?

I’m a huge Star Wars fan! I have a small Star Wars Pop! Vinyl collection, several items of Blackmilk x Star Wars clothing, as well as some tees and a chewbacca plushie.

I also like animation films (Pixar & Studio Ghibli are the best!) and action movies (Tarantino <3)

Favourite TV show?

Grey’s anatomy is definitely my all time favourite. But I also like Game of Thrones, True Blood and sit coms. I’m currently working my way through Weeds on Netlfix. If you’re a fan of Orange Is The New Black, check it out.

Favourite author?

Brandon Sanderson! Although, I’m currently (slowly) reading George RR Martin’s A Song of Fire and Ice series. I tend to get obsessed with books, so I haven’t read much recently because I’ve been so focused on my degree.

Favourite colour?


Describe your style

I tend to wear a lot of black and greys, because I love having brightly coloured hair. I’m currently stuck on red hair, but I do have a tendency to accidentally dye it pink instead… I wear a lot of leggings or skinny jeans, with oversized t-shirts and men’s hoodies. I have a big love for black leather boots, they’re just so comfy! I also own a lot of dresses, shorts and skater skirts. Lots of eyeliner and some silver jewellery is how I accessorise. Maybe a high waisted belt. I’m definitely a practical dresser, thinking of comfort as well as style.

Favourite clothing brand?

Blackmilk Clothing! I’m a tad obsessed. It’s a bit pricey here in the UK by the time you add on import tax and handling fees, but their stuff is just such good quality, the designs are great, they get loads of licensed deals from film and TV franchises (Harry Potter, LOTR, Adventure Time, Star Wars, etc.) AND it’s all made in Australia! What more could you want?

Most recent purchase?

This long-sleeved red wallpaper print crop top from Miss Selfridge. I got it on sale for £9 down from £22. Bargain! It’s really comfy too. Looks great with high waisted shorts or a skater skirt.


Image from Miss Selfridge website

Make-up must-have?

Even though I’m a big eyeliner wearer, it would have to be mascara! You can wear mascara without eyeliner, but eyeliner without mascara? That’s not a great look.

Okay, so that’s enough from me for now! Hope you enjoyed reading this and getting to know me a bit. If you have anything you want to add, please comment!

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