One Lovely Blog Award Round Two!



So over a month ago, Berenice from It’s Bere G nominated me for this award! She has since moved domain to so go check her out! Big thank you to Berenice for my nomination, it means a lot that you like my blog enough to nominate it!

Here are the rules:

1. Thank the person who nominated you for the award.
2. Display the One Lovely Blog Award on your blog.
3. Share seven things about yourself.
4. Nominate fifteen eight bloggers you admire. Inform them by commenting on their blog.

Seven facts about me:

1. I currently live with my parents having finished uni this year, it’s both good and bad. You get used to certain freedoms at uni, but there’s benefits to being home too.

2. I’ve been with my boyfriend for over five years, he’s awesome.

3. I really like penguins. I recently went on a penguin sock hunt, which was successful. I didn’t need socks. But penguins! (waddle waddle waddle)

4. Earlier this month, I started rewatching Grey’s Anatomy for the second time this year. I’m already on season 3. So good! Seriously go watch this show if you haven’t before, it’s all on Netflix.

5. I’m going to the rugby world cup next year! My dad got tickets for 3 of the matches. I’m not sure how many of them I get to go to, but I’m excited that I’ll get to be a part of it.

6. I have ten piercings, which sounds like a lot but when I look at myself I don’t think I have too many. I have 4 in my left ear, 5 in my right ear and 1 in my nose.

7. I’m currently in bed cuddling up with the charmander plushie I got at MCM Expo London on Saturday. I have no idea why I woke up at 6 this morning, but at least it meant I could write today’s post up before work eh?

My nominees

I’m completely agreeing with Berenice that fifteen is just too many bloggers to nominate, not because there’s not that many bloggers that deserve it, but that is a  big number. Berenice went for eight, but I’m going for seven to match the number of facts. So in no particular order, I nominate:

  1. Zoe from nuggetstumpblog
  2. Emma from Lipstick & Eye Candy
  3. Veronica from TheBeautyArchive
  4. Clare from Clare’s Beauty Blog
  5. Kristin from Pretty Loved
  6. Rachael from Helpless While Drying
  7. Claudia from Claudia Fox

Thanks for reading! Hope you liked the post x

6 responses to “One Lovely Blog Award Round Two!

  1. So lucky on the rugby tickets – we applied for all 3 matches and got none! Also love Grey’s it’s my favourite TV programme by far!


  2. Thank you so much, beautiful! <3 I really appreciate that :D


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